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Wall Street Journal: The Biggest Delivery Business in the U.S. Is No Longer UPS or FedEx

Wall Street Journal: The Biggest Delivery Business in the U.S. Is No Longer UPS or FedEx

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Dave Clark is mentioned as the leader who envisioned the network that grew Amazon’s delivery business to be bigger than UPS and FedEx.

Fireside Chat: What Does the Future of Technology Look Like for Supply Chain Leaders?

Fireside Chat: What Does the Future of Technology Look Like for Supply Chain Leaders?

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At the North America Supply Chain Executives conference, Dave Clark speaks about his more than 20 years of global leadership experience at Amazon and focus on logistical excellence.

In The News

For the July episode, co-hosts Ted Stank and Tom Goldsby speak with Dave Clark, former CEO of worldwide consumer business for Amazon about online retail and the modern-day consumer...

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“I’m a big believer in the power of supply chain leaders impacting the world positively whether that be environmental impact or human impact through supporting the millions of people employed in supply chain around the world.” 

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